Saturday 14 April 2012

What is it? Towards the middle of April.

These (right) came with the house but weeding has let them grow much more. I think they're a hybrid of bluebells - but not sure what kind...

 Meanwhile, I have no idea what the one below is. Same provenance as above; a bit like a snowdrop but the petals are less rounded, and way, way taller, with different, but still thin leaves, (lots of them) and a gorgeous thin green stripe running through the centre of the petal.

This one also came with the house and has again flourished recently, but I know what this is. It's Ipheion, the Spring Starflower, I think...
When we first moved in, the garden was already good this time of year because of the bulbs... then came summer and nothing much. I've been working on having something to see all the time. The coming months will show how far we've got with that! :)

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