Thursday 5 April 2012

Let's Not Forget The Hyacinths - honest(l)y.

So these pictures are mid to late March:

First (in February) the hyacinths came out in pots on the windowsill, filling me up with their sublime fragrance. Then they came out on the East facing side of the house and then bit they blossomed around the other two sides (North is next door's semi-detachedness). The grape hyacinths (below) came with the house. I dig them  up and move them around but they multiply relentlessly. They don't smell at all.

Natural primroses are out of fashion; it's all fancy primulas - but you can't beat the colour of a real primrose, or - again - its scent; most of the 'primroses' they sell in garden centres don't have it. But smell a bank of fresh, wild primroses and you'll see what I mean.

Now, Honesty grows in the hedgerows, but I've cultivated it for three years now and gladly too. Yes, the leaves and shape are a bit nettle-like, but the attractive early pink flowers (and there are white ones too) are just half the deal: the rest is that when they seed, these beautiful flaky golden oval pods decorate the border like jewels. The twist is they take two years to flower, so you always have to plan ahead; the good news is that the seeds are incredibly easy to grow. Can't go wrong. 

Wait for late summer to see pics of the seeds!

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