Wednesday 4 April 2012

Taken for granted - end of March

Skimmia japonica 'Fragrans' (male):
It's small and doesn't really grab you; just sits there, being yellowy green in leaves all winter, providing a bit of a reminder that there's green in the world, like all evergreens. Then clusters of small buds appear; they don't seem worth paying much attention to, and then they turn into flowers, similarly unprepossessing. But give them a close up and they repay you.
I've made the picture small to replicate the experience - not worth looking at? Left click the picture... it is...

Forsythias are everywhere this time of year, with their daffodil yellow brightness lighting up hedges. The flowers don't last forever, but our bushes grow pretty vigorously, and you can see the ruthless chopping back last year in the picture. We have a couple in the hedge we inherited, so no idea of exact type, but it's one of those plants that you overlook because they're everywhere, but if there was only one in the world, you'd want it badly...

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